Let’s take a look at one of the most picturesque train journeys in Germany; traveling from Nordenham to Köln. This journey has a lot of iconic landmarks and attractions to explore along the way, with the shortest duration being just under 3 hours.
The main stations for this trip are Nordenham Station and Köln Station, with the total distance being approximately 224km. During the journey, you can also stop in many important cities and towns such as Bremen, Osnabrück, Münster, and Dortmund. These locations all have unique sites to explore and enjoy, so be sure to check them out!
The most iconic item you can find during the departure and arrival of this journey is the various historical attractions that you can find as well. From the Statue of Charlemagne at Aachen Cathedral to the many ruins of the Römerberg in Mainz, it’s a great chance to take in the history of Germany from the comfort of your train seat.
So if you’re looking for a relaxing and scenic journey to explore Germany, then the journey from Nordenham to Köln is the perfect choice. With its stunning landscapes, incredible historical sights, and vibrant town centers, it’s the perfect place to explore - and a great way to arrive in Köln.
Nordenham is a beautiful small town in Lower Saxony, Germany, located at the mouth of River Weser. It has a rich history, architecture, and culture, and attracts many tourists each year. Whether it’s a day trip or a longer stay, there’s plenty to see and do. Here’s a list of the must-see historical and architectural sites in Nordenham, as well as our favorite places to eat.
Nordenham Church: This magnificent church dates back to the 13th century and is a fine example of North German Gothic architecture. The church’s tower was destroyed in World War II, but was rebuilt in the 1970s. Find this stunning church at Elsflether Straße 19, 26954 Nordenham and enjoy the beautiful view of the river.
Nordenham Castle: This castle was home to the influential family Von Arnim and was built in the 17th century. It is now open to the public and can be accessed from Villa von Arnim. Tour around the beautiful gardens and admire the architecture.
S. Peter and Paul's Cathedral: This impressive cathedral was built in the 14th century and is a prominent symbol of the city's culture. There's plenty to explore here, including old frescoes, sculptures, and stained glass windows. Don’t miss the beautiful Baroque organ, built in 1728!
Nordenham Port: This historic port was founded in the first half of the 19th century. Here you’ll find a wealth of maritime history, including old warehouses and some of Germany’s oldest ports.
English Garden: Visit this beautiful park to explore its lovely trails, lush foliage, and idyllic streams. Here you will also find a windmill, an old summer house, and two pavilions, all making for a peaceful getaway.
Restaurants and Cafes: Nordenham is home to a variety of restaurants and cafes, ranging from traditional German eateries to modern eateries. Make sure to try the local delicacies, such as sauerkraut and Roast Beef.
Theater Nordenham: A visit to Nordenham isn’t complete without seeing a show at the Theater Nordenham. Established in 1956, it’s one of the oldest and most respected theaters in the region. Head over here for a unique performance.
Nordenham has something for everyone. With its rich history, impressive architecture, and delicious food, there's no shortage of things to explore. So, the next time you're in Lower Saxony, make sure to visit Nordenham.
ケルン大聖堂 - 位置: ケルン市中心部、入場料: 無料(塔への登り口と宝物室は有料)、内部者のチップ: 早朝または夕方に訪れ、人混みを避けましょう。このゴシック建築の傑作は、ケルンの象徴であり、世界遺産にも登録されています。
ケルンチョコレート博物館 - 位置: ライン川沿い、入場料: 約9ユーロ、内部者のチップ: 実演を見学して、新鮮なチョコレートを試食しましょう。チョコレートの歴史から製造過程まで、すべてを学べます。
ローマ・ゲルマン博物館 - 位置: ケルン大聖堂の近く、入場料: 約9ユーロ、内部者のチップ: 古代ローマ時代のケルンの生活を垣間見ることができます。特にモザイクや宝飾品の展示は見逃せません。
アルトシュタット - 位置: ケルンの旧市街、内部者のチップ: 歩きやすい靴で訪れ、カラフルな家々や古い教会を探索しましょう。地元のレストランでケルン名物の「ケルシュ」ビールをお試しください。
ライン川クルーズ - 位置: ケルン中央駅から出発、内部者のチップ: 日没時にクルーズを楽しむと、ライン川沿いの景色がより美しく見えます。橋やケルン大聖堂の眺めは格別です。
ケルン市立博物館 - 位置: ケルン旧市街、入場料: 約5ユーロ、内部者のチップ: ケルンの歴史と文化を深く理解できる場所です。中世から現代に至るまでのアートコレクションが展示されています。
ホーエンツォレルン橋 - 位置: ケルン中央駅のすぐ隣、内部者のチップ: 恋人たちが南京錠で愛を誓う場所としても有名です。橋の下からの景色も素晴らしいです。
Nordenham, located in Lower Saxony, Germany, has a main train station that is very important for travelers. This main station is Nordenham (NOM) and it is the most important one. Besides this station, there are also other stations in the city which are important for passengers, however, the main station has the most services.
Nordenham (NOM) is located at Lower Saxony, Germany. It has several services, such as ticket office, luggage storage, automatic ticket machines, and different timetables. The opening hours are from Monday to Sunday, from 4am to 8pm. For further information travelers can call +49 4953 8666 or email [email protected]
ケルン中央駅の住所はTrankgasse 11, 50667 Kölnです。駅の営業時間は、毎日24時間開いており、夜間も旅行者の利用が可能です。手荷物委託サービスも提供されており、旅行者は荷物を安心して預けることができます。このサービスは特に、チェックイン時間前に到着したり、チェックアウト後に街を散策したいと考えている旅行者にとって非常に便利です。