Polazićete iz Vitenberge, koji se nalazi tačno u centru grada Wittenberge, i uživati u prelepom pejzažu tokom putovanja dok ne stignete u Berlin Hbf, koji se takođe nalazi u srcu Berlin.
Polazićete iz Vitenberge, koji se nalazi tačno u centru grada Wittenberge, i uživati u prelepom pejzažu tokom putovanja dok ne stignete u Berlin Hbf, koji se takođe nalazi u srcu Berlin.
We all know that travelling is a great way to get to know different places and cultures, however, it is sometimes hard to find efficient and economic options of transportation. Fortunately, if you are planning on travelling from Wittenberge to Berlin, it can be done in a breeze with a train.
The journey from Wittenberge to Berlin is a beautiful one due to its short duration of about 1 hour and 15 minutes. During the trip, you will pass through some iconic places, such as Rathenow, Berlin-Ostkreuz and Berlin-Lichtenberg. The distance between both cities is about 80 km.
Along the way, you will also pass through some important smaller cities and towns, such as Havelberg, Plaue, Kremmen, and Gransee. In addition to this, travellers can also stop by some of the most beautiful lakes and rivers on the route, such as the Havelland and Loop Brandenburg.
Furthermore, as you leave Wittenberge, you can find some of the most iconic architecture, such as the Wittenberge railway bridge, built in 1854. Likewise, when you arrive in Berlin, you will be able to appreciate the stunning Brandenburg Gate, a famous German landmark.
In conclusion, taking a train from Wittenberge to Berlin is a great way to experience the beauty of the country. With a short journey, you can appreciate the incredible landscapes and iconic buildings between both cities, making this a journey you will never forget.
Wittenberge, the city of the Elbstrom River in Germany, is a charming city that invites travellers from around the world. From its rich history dating back to the 12the century, old ruins, and colorful architecture, a trip to Wittenberge will no doubt be an unforgettable experience. Here is a list of must-visit historical and architectural sites you won’t want to miss when visiting:
Marienkirche: Founded in 1213, this beautiful red brick church in the heart of the city is definitely worth a visit. Highlights include a baptismal font dating back to the 15th century, a tower that offers stunning views of the city, and ornate stained glass windows. Location: Marienkirche 1, 19322 Wittenberge. Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. Entrance fee: Free. Insider Tip: Check out the old organ, which still plays during Sunday services.
Fachwerkhaus: Don’t miss this preserved 16th century half-timbered house located in the old part of the city. Beautiful details, such as the carved wood facade, are still visible to the eye. Location: Kremmener Str. 25, 19322 Wittenberge. Hours: Monday to Sunday from 8am to 9pm. Entrance Fee: Free.
Burg Wittenberg Castle: This 13th century castle offers sweeping views of the Elbstrom river, and is now home to historical displays and artifacts, which can be visited by the public. Location: Wittenbergstr. 9, 19322 Wittenberge. Hours: Monday to Sunday from 10am to 6 pm. Entrance Fee: €4.00.
Roter Turm Bridge: This iconic bridge, with its red brick tower, offers breathtaking views of the Elbstrom River and the surrounding city. Location: Elbstrombrücke, Wittenberge. Entrance Fee: Free.
Rathaus: Originally built as a market hall in 1620, this Town Hall is now a must-visit for its beautiful, Baroque façade, as well as the decorative gables and balustrade. Location: Markt 4, 19322 Wittenberge. Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. Entrance Fee: Free.
Alte Wasserburg: This old water castle from 1367 is now a museum, showcasing its historical artifacts and architectural features. Location: Wasserburgstraße 6, 19322 Wittenberge. Hours: Monday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm Entrance Fee: €2.00.
Gaststättengasse: A must-visit for foodies! This street is lined with restaurants serving traditional German cuisine, such as sausages, pretzels, and local beer. Location: Gaststättengasse, Wittenberge. Hours: Monday to Sunday from 5pm to 10pm.
When visiting Wittenberge, you won’t want to miss out on everything the city offers. From its ancient castles to its picturesque bridge, and from its historical churches to its delicious food, Wittenberge is a place you’ll never forget.
Da li ste znatiželjni da otkrijete pulsirajuće srce Nemačke, grad koji je preživeo ratove, podelu, ali i koji danas stoji kao simbol ujedinjenja i umetnosti? Berlin vas čeka sa svojom raskošnom istorijom i modernom arhitekturom. Pripremite se za putovanje koje će vas odvesti kroz vreme i prostor najznačajnijih berlinskih znamenitosti.
Brandenburška kapija
Simbol miru i jedinstvu, ova neoklasična kapija datira iz 18. veka. Nalazi se na Pariser Platz-u i besplatno je dostupna 24/7. Posetite je uveče kada je osvetljena za spektakularni pogled.
Sedište nemačkog parlamenta, znamenito po svojoj staklenoj kupoli koja simbolizuje transparentnost vlade. Obavezno rezervišite posetu unapred online za besplatan ulaz. Kupola nudi izuzetan pogled na gradski pejzaž.
Berlinski zid
Ostaci ovog simbola hladnog rata i dalje stoje kao podsetnik na podeljeni svet. East Side Gallery, sa svojim fascinantnim muralima, najduži je sačuvani deo Zida. Poseta je besplatna, a galerija se može posetiti bilo kada.
Muzej Otocila
Posetite ovaj muzej za uvid u istoriju i kulturu Nemačke kroz umetnička dela. Nalazi se na Muzejskom ostrvu i otvoren je od 10h do 18h, sa ulaznicama od oko 10 €. Preporučuje se raniji dolazak zbog gužvi.
Potsdamer Platz
Ovo urbano čvorište puno je modernih zgrada i zabavnih sadržaja. Uživajte u šopingu, bioskopima i restoranima. Najbolje vreme za posetu je večernji sati kada grad oživi.
Šarloteburg dvorac
Ova barokna palača sa raskošnim vrtovima pruža uvid u život pruskih monarha. Lokacija je otvorena od 10h do 17h, a ulaznice koštaju oko 12 €. Preporučuje se poseta tokom proleća ili leta kada su vrtovi u punom cvatu.
Checkpoint Charlie
Nekadašnji granični prelaz između Istoka i Zapada, danas je to muzej i turistička atrakcija. Uzmite audio vodič za bolje razumevanje istorijskog konteksta. Ulaznica košta oko 14 €.
Kada istražujete Berlin, lako se možete prepustiti njegovom šarmu. Sa svakom stanicom koju posetite, otkrivaćete slojeve njegove bogate istorije i vibrante kulture. Uživajte u šetnjama kroz prostrane bulevare, opustite se u kafeima i ne zaboravite probati čuvene berlinske kobasice sa perecom. Berlin nije samo destinacija, već iskustvo koje će obogatiti vaš život.
Wittenberge is a town in Germany where the main railway station is located. The station is called Wittenberge (Prufening) and is well connected to regional, national and international destinations. There are other stations in the town, but they offer fewer services and connections.
The Wittenberge(Prufening) railway station provides various essential services for its customers. Its address is Bahnhofstraße 3, 19322 Wittenberge, Germany. The station is open from 5 am to 11 pm daily. The contact telephone number is +49 3877/2710. There are several luggage lockers and a ticket office.
Glavna železnička stanica u Berlinu, Nemačka, poznata kao Berlin Hauptbahnhof, predstavlja ključni železnički čvor u gradu. Pored Hauptbahnhofa, u Berlinu postoje i druge relevantne železničke stanice kao što su Berlin Ostbahnhof i Berlin Südkreuz, koje takođe služe važne domaće i međunarodne linije. Berlin Hauptbahnhof je najveća i najprometnija stanica u gradu, koja povezuje putnike sa glavnim gradovima Evrope i širom Nemačke.
Adresa glavne železničke stanice Berlin Hauptbahnhof je Europaplatz 1, 10557 Berlin. Stanica radi 24 sata dnevno, što pruža maksimalnu fleksibilnost putnicima. Na stanici su dostupne razne usluge, uključujući usluge prtljaga, što omogućava putnicima da skladište svoje kofere ili ih preuzmu po potrebi. Ove informacije čine Berlin Hauptbahnhof ne samo vitalnim tranzitnim tačkom u Nemačkoj, već i izuzetno pogodnim mestom za međunarodne putnike koji istražuju Evropu.
Rezervujte vopred:
Rovnako ako pri letenkách, ceny vlakových lístkov majú tendenciu stúpať, keď sa blíži dátum odchodu. Rezervácia týždne alebo dokonca mesiace vopred Vám môže ušetriť značnú sumu.
Cestujte mimo dopravnej špičky:
Vyhnite sa cestovaniu v špičkových časoch, ako sú rána a večery počas pracovných dní. Zvoľte si cestovanie počas poludnia, neskorého večera alebo v polovici týždňa, keď je menší dopyt.
Zvážte pomalšie vlaky alebo nepriame trasy:
Expresné alebo vysokorýchlostné vlaky môžu ušetriť čas, ale sú často drahšie. Výber regionálnych alebo pomalších služieb môže znížiť Vaše cestovné náklady.
Hľadajte špeciálne ponuky a akcie:
Prevádzkovatelia vlakov príležitostne ponúkajú akcie alebo špeciálne ponuky, najmä počas obdobia mimo špičky. Stojí za to prihlásiť sa na odber newsletterov. Okrem toho sú niekedy k dispozícii skupinové alebo spiatočné zľavy na lístky, preto zvážte tieto možnosti, ak zapadajú do vašich cestovných plánov.